How to Choose the Right Saying for Your Handmade Sign

Making a custom wood sign at a paint party is a fun and unique way to create a custom piece of art for your home or office. One of the most popular types of signs features a quote or saying.
Why Use a Quote or Saying for Your Handmade Sign?
People are drawn to quotes, sayings, affirmations, and sentimental sayings for several reasons. They might be something sweet you say to your kids or significant other. They might be positive reminders for yourself or affirmations you like to repeat. They could also be something from your favorite movie, book, TV show, or song.
Choosing the Right Quote or Saying
Choose Something Meaningful: TYour custom wood sign will be displayed in your home or office, so you’ll see it every day. You want to pick a quote that means something to you and puts a smile on your face.
Keep it Short: The front of your sign has only so much space, so you want to pick a saying that fits well and will also be large enough to read when you’re done.
Consider Your Audience: If you’re making the sign for yourself, then you want the quote to be personal to you. If you’re making it for a child, keep it light and fun. If it’s for a friend or loved one, choose a quote that holds special meaning for them or reminds them of you.
Do Some Research: If you’re not exactly sure what quote or saying to choose, do some research. Pinterest is a great resource for quality quote inspiration. You can also explore our inventory of quote signs to see if one stands out to you.